Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Can you tell I'm rushing to rock out the rest of this list in one sitting? (Gotta get it done by the 6th! And I'm going to be busy tomorrow!)
So, you'd think someone who doesn't like podcasts would also not be terribly fond of audiobooks...but of course, my brain doesn't work like that. Granted, I only listen to audiobooks when I 'm in the car, or when I'm working on something at the computer, but I do enjoy them. (Not as much as regular books...but there are few joys in my life equal to reading a good book!) Anyway, in the interest of saving time, I'm going to slightly cop out on this one and say that I've already listened to Anne McCaffrey's Changelings. (Do any other fans out there think Anne's writing style is getting odder as she grows older?) The audiobooks from this site play nicely on Media Player Classic, (most things do if you have the right codecs), and even though the story was a bit odd, (the selkie kids and their ocean pals were a bit hokey, even for a sci-fi/fantasy girl like me!), it was fun to listen to it while I did other things.
Interesting note - my old NetLibrary account disappeared! I tried to log in again, just for the sake of this exercise, and it no longer recognized my username, password, or e-mail account. (And I used my library e-mail, so I know it's still active...) How odd...maybe it has something to do with the fact that I've had to replace my library card since then? Definitely worth looking into...although it's not like it was hard to create a new account...

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