Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Holds expired team meeting today - it was at Independence, which meant I got to walk there and back, and I'm now in my apartment, typing this up while I have lunch. This way I can work on the Freedom Flyer or the holds list from 4:00-5:00, (normal lunch time when I'm on the 12-9 shift), and I still get to skip the crazy 2:00-3:00 school traffic on Independence. Nothing like being stuck behind a smelly school bus for half an hour as it stops and blocks traffic every 200 feet to drop off screaming kids! (Kids who then go running into the road anyway...tying up traffic both ways and nearly causing accidents...*sigh*)
Anyway, changing the subject away from East Charlotte's kamikaze of our managers, Michael, pulled me aside the other day and brought up the idea of transforming the Freedom Flyer into a blog. (How many blogs would that put me in charge of? Five? Six?) I still kind of prefer the idea of having it in paper form for everyone, for the same reason that I print out the newsletter each month - people are more likely to read something if you put it right in front of them. However, it might be fun to have it in both formats - I have to type out everything I put in the Flyer anyway, so it wouldn't be too much extra work to upload it to a blog, too. I may mock up a template for it when I have the Flyer done tomorrow and run it by him...bringing the Freedom Flyer into the 21st this little newsletter's come a long way since it started!
Stuff to do, stuff to do...I need to get Annette's birthday buckeyes in travel-ready boxes and hit the road. I have to get on my to-do list from the holds meeting, work on the Flyer, and, most importantly...get to work! (Not that I'm officially late, since I'm scheduled to be gone until 4:00, but still...) Before I go, though, here's a few more Learning 2.0 related links:
Continuing on the subject of RSS feeds, I know I'm repeating myself here from a previous blog, but I can't stress how cool Hennepin county is, or all the different things they've done with newsreaders. How awesome would it be if PLCMC reached this level one day...although most of our patrons would probably have no idea how to use it. (That's what the library's for! Learning experiences!) LIS news has a link to their feeds as well...I get their news through e-mail already, though, so I don't think I'll sign up for this one. (For those who are really into their new bloglines accounts, though, it looks pretty nifty!) And last, but not least, the U.S. government has an RSS Library site - for those interested in government doings, I can't think of a better place to get your news! Stop by and check it out - their featured sites even has a link to feeds and podcasts straight from the White House! For a US government news source, I don't think you can't get more direct than that!
Well, cross your fingers with me that the buses are all off the roads by now, all - I'm off!

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