Thursday, August 10, 2006

So much for the idea of updating eveyday, ne?

Well, I haven't given up on it completely. My main problem was that I didn't have anything going on in my life that I cared enough about to share with the world. (Hello world, today I went to work, then came home, ate some pizza and messed around with my computer a bit...and that was it. Stay tuned for tomorrow's exciting installment.) My life makes for dull reading. So, instead of writing about myself, I'll toss up opinions and links to some of the things I'm interested in and see if that inspires me to head here daily. Be ye warned: my biggest interests right now are environmental/humanitarian issues and anime, so if that sounds even less entertaining than the story of how I spent the afternoon napping, run away.

Thus, without further ado:

-Interesting stuff on the front page of Care2 today. I don't check out this site as often as I should - though that's mostly because so much of it nowadays is depressing and/or infuriating. Still, for anyone looking to keep up with the major environmental news of the day, you won't find a better spot!

-Yet another petition to try and get our leaders to acknowledge the dangers of global warming and actually do something about it over at the petition site.
I signed it, of course, but sometimes I feel like things are going to have to reach cataclysmic levels before anyone in power takes any sort of action.

-Interesting link from Red Cross today - this might also be something my fellow librarians would want to make note of. The link is here, for anyone interested in checking it out. This is a site for someone who has been involved in a disaster and has been unable to contact friends and family; the individual can register themselves as "safe and well", letting their family and friends know that they are okay. This would be especially helpful to people travelling overseas right now.

Switching gears over to anime:
The big news today, for me anyway, is that they're working on making a movie based on the manga of Battle Angel Alita. According to wikipedia, the movie is (for now) going to be called Battle Angel, and will be based off of the first three volumes of the manga. Unfortunately for fangirls like me, it's not set to start production until 2009, but I suppose it's nice to have things to look forward to. For more info check out the wikipedia link.

Well, that's a pretty decent entry - let's see if I can keep it up!

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